External rotation mobility for shoulder stiffness


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3 Exercises to Fix Rounded Shoulders

3 Exercises to Fix Rounded Shoulders

Rounded shoulder can be caused by one of 3 problems, or a combination of all 3. Tight Pectoralis Muscles Weak Scapula Retractors (Rhomboids and middle trapezius) Thoracic kyphosis (rounding and stiffness of the thoracic spinal joints These 3 exercises are designed to...

Banded Forward Shoulder Raise (For Tennis Elbow and Rotator Cuff)

Banded Forward Shoulder Raise (For Tennis Elbow and Rotator Cuff)

This exercise is great for strengthening the wrist extensors (implicated in tennis elbow) and shoulder rotator cuff/anterior deltiod. Try to do 3 sets of 10-12 every second day. You should feel it working your forearm muscles and the muscles at the front of your...